Sept 6th “Welcome Back” meeting and Potluck – Guests Elizabeth and Colin Briggs
September 6th is a special meeting to start a new season of genealogy and family history. We are having a pot luck supper and presentation “Topics and Places in Genealogical Research“ by Elizabeth and Colin Briggs. An excellent opportunity to visit with other members over pot luck supper then listen to two excellent genealogists share stories of their travels and research.
Meet at 6 pm at Knox United Church,18th Street and Victoria Ave. in Brandon (use 17th Street entrance). Bring a dish to share for the potluck, your own cutlery, cup and plate. Tea and Coffee will be provided. Members feel free to invite your spouse/partner.Please RSVP to Laura at if you plan to attend. We need approximate numbers to set up tables. If you are not a member but are interested in learning about out SWB, becoming a member and would like to join us, please contact: Laura at for more information.