Community Books

script from an old family Bible page
Here is a current list of our Community Books. The list is based on the different areas of Southwest Manitoba. If you would like to view these community books, please visit our library. If you find a book in our library list and you are unable to come to our library the library volunteers can look up a specific name or names. Another

Library Location: Knox United Church, Lower Level, 451-18th Street, Brandon, Manitoba.

Hours of Operation: Open Mondays, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. except on statutory holidays. To make an appointment, email

 Library Opening Dates – March 6th, 13th, 20th

Library Use Fees: Members no charge; non-members $5 per visit.

All photocopies: $0.25 per single copy

List Name: 971.7 Area History Books

Alb Reflections Of Time Albert RM 20044
Ale The Ties That Bind- Alexander United Church Alexander United Church 1887-1987 20916
Arc A Century of Memories Archie RM 1883-1983 20678
Arg For Those Who Serve – Baldur Medical Memories of Argyle 1880-1985 20945
Arg Come into our Heritage Argyle RM 1882-1982 20634
Ari Arizona 1882-1982 Arizona District 20225
Ass The Assiniboine Basin- A Social Study SW Manitoba 20972
Bdn The Way We Were Brandon 1900-1920 20502
Bec Early Settlers of Woodlea/Now/Ingelow Woodlea-Ingelow 1875-1983 20221
Bel Our Roots Go Deep Bellafield Knox United Church 20944
Bel The Belgians in Manitoba Belgians Club History 20600
Ber Memories of Beresford Beresford Spirit of the 70’s 20614
Bet Our Story A Legacy Bethany And Dist 20838
BHMC History of Brandon Mental Health Centre Brandon 1891-1991 20658
Big Forceps,Fin and Feather MB- Memoirs of Dr.W.A.Biglow 20707
Bin Binscarth Memories Binscarth 20532
Bir A View of the Birdtail Birtle RM 1878-1974 20443
Bir “Passing It On” RM and Town of Birtle 1884-2009 20922
Bir Birtle’s Beginning – Town of Birtle Town of Birtle 20858
Bir The Birdtail Country Birdtail Centennial 20626
Bla History of Blanshard Municipality Blanchard RM Vol 2 20620
Bla History of Blanshard Municipality Blanchard RM Vol 3 20442
Boi Beckoning Hills Revisited Morton-Boissevain 1881-1981 20282
Boi 75th Anniversary 1893-1968 Boissevian St Pauls United Church 20321
Bot Botany District The First 100 Years Botany 1887-1987 20403
Bra Bradwardine and District Bradwardine 1880-2003 20689
Bra The Brandon Hill Connection How Brandon Got Its Name? 20967
Bra BGH 100 years of Brandon General Hospital Brandon General Hospital 1883-1983 20985
Bra Brandon: a City Brandon 1881-1961 20416
Bra Brandon A Prospect of a City Brandon Centennial Board 1982 20215
Bra Millennium Memories Brandon 2000 20641
Bra Pride of the Land History of Brandon’s Agricultural Exhibitions 20889
Bra Steamboats on the Assiniboine Assiniboine River Steamboats 1873-85 20968
Bra The Wheat City A Pictorial History of Brandon 20888
Bra Instant City: Birth of Brandon Brandon article from “The Beaver” 1982 20914
Bra From Frozen Ponds Brandon East End Community Centre 20126
Bra Hands Across The Meridian Brant-Argyle 20700
Bre The History of Brenda Municipality Brenda RM Vol 1 20472
Bre The History of Brenda Municipality Brenda RM Vol 2 20473
Bro Quest in Roots Brookdale 20233
Bro W.MB. Pictorial of Museums and Historic Sites MB- Western Manitoba 20047
Brown Settlers of The Plains Gilbert Plains 20780
Bun Bunclody Community Buncloudy 1879-1970 20647
Cad Cadurcis Supplement Cadurcis Church District 1970 20448
Cam The Mere Living Cameron RM 20619
Cam The Mere Living 2nd copy Hartney area 20619
Car Carberry Plains Century one Carberry 1882-1982 20226
Car The People of the Big Plain Carberry – North Cypress 20882
Car The Carberry Plains Carberry-75 Years of Progress 20839
Car Foot Prints and Chalk Dust Cardale 1915-1969 20615
Car Memories Along the Badger Revisited Cartwright 1885-1985 20530
Cha Memoirs of an Era Chater 1881-1981 20035
Chu A Study of Church Buildings in MB MB- Methodist,Presbyterian,United 20382
Bra Brandons Politics and Politicians Brandon 20018
Cor List of Electors 1957 RM of Cornwallis 20970
Cor Municipal Memories Cornwallis 1884-1984 20222
Cra The Chronicles of Crandall Crandall and Dist. 20741
Csg The History of MB Br. of Cdn Seed Growers Assoc. Brandon Centennial Project 1970 20316
Dan Golden Memories Dand RM 1882-1967 20469
Dar The Darlingford Saga Darlingford 1870-1970 20841
Del Deloraine 75th Anniversary Deloraine 75th Anniversary -1955 20949
Del Deloraine Scans a Century Deloraine 1880-1980 20531
Dou Echoes of a Century Douglas 1882-1982 20224
Ede East of the Mountains Eden-Birnie Story 1877-1984 20362
Edw Harvests Time Edward RM 20721
Elg Echoes of Elgin Elgin 20286
Elt Homesteaders and Homemakers Elton RM 20528
Eth The Ties That Bind Ethelbert and Dist. 20773
Eme History of Emerson Emerson 20946
Ewa Pioneer Profiles MB – Ukrainian Settlers of MB 20429
Fai Farburn Memories Farburn 1888-1988 20320
Fai Memories of Fairview Fairview 1878-1982 20219
Far Beside the Buffalo Trail MB -Edna Frame 20569
Fox The Fox’s Tale Foxwarren 20766
Fra Framfari Icelandic Journal 1877-1880 20900
Gho Ghost Towns of MB MB- Ghost Towns 20355
Gla Third Crossing Gladstone 20439
Gla Memories of Home Gladstone 1882-1982 20437
Gle Tracks of Time Glennella and Districts 20883
Glo Golden Memories SteeleBrPalestineWoodsideGoldenStr 20020
Gra Pioneers of Grandview and District Grandview and District 20769
Gre Gregg District Pioneer Families Index Gregg District 20504
Gri Bridging the Years Griswold 1882-1982 20019
Ham Hamiota Grains of a Century Hamiota 1884-1984 20027
Ham Hamiota Grains of a Century Hamiota 1984-1996 20426
Ham Place Names of MB MB- Place Names 20043
Har They Called It Odanah Odanhah 20765
Har Minnedosa and her Neighbors Minnedosa 20764
Har Pioneers of MB MB- Pioneers of 20233
Har The Rookhurst Story Rookhurst 20763
Har Home To Harding 1879-1981 Harding 20132
Har Binding Our Districts BossHill,Hargrave,Pacific,Parkland,…. 20740
Har Hartney and District Veterans `1939-1945 Hartney Veterans 20935
Har A Century of Living Hartney 1882-1982 20720
Haz Hazeldell 1890-1960 In Review Hazeldell 20474
Heb Memories of Hebron and Riverview Hebron and Riverview 20415
Hol By The Old Mill Stream Homefield& Dict. 20128
Hsm Local History in MB MB – A Key to Dist.,Schs.,& Transport Rts. 20205
Ice The Icelandic People in Manitoba Icelandic History in Manitoba 20925
Ice Icelandic River Saga Story of North American-IcelandicHistory 20924
Ing Summer Storm MB – A Manitoba Tragedy 20431
Isa Rural Reflections Vol 2 Isabella & Blaris 1879-1982 20754
Isa Rural Reflections Vol 3 Isabella & Blaris 1883-2000 20755
Isa Rural Reflections Vol 3 Isabella & Blaris 1883-2000 20608
Joh Manitoba Montage MB 20598
Ken Cradle to Combine Vol 2 Kenton 1881-1981 20742
Kil Kilarney High School Year Book 1966-67 Kilarney H.S. Year book 1966-67 20983
Kil Stories of Pioneer Days Killarney 20648
Kil Reflections Turtle Mountain Mun. and Killarney 20288
Knox Knox United Church 50 Years Brandon Memories of Knox 1906-2006 20821
Lan The Lansdowne Story Lansdowne RM 20287
Lar Turning Leaves LaRiviere and Dist. History of 20657
Lau The Rise and Fall of a Prairie Town Lauder 1973-1978 Vol 1-5 20046
Ldb Logs and Lines Fr. The Wpg River Lac du Bonnet Area 20722
Lea A History of the Blue Bombers Wpg. 20220
Len Lenore and Districts Homcomings Lenore and Dist 1906-1979 20726
Lesy Sifton then and Now Sifton A Reminiscence of the Pioneer Era 20777
Lil Memories of Lily 1885-1985 Lily Dist. 20284
Lit Dog Town to Dauphin Dauphin 20778
Lor Memories of Lorne 1880-1980 Lorne RM 20653
Lou Echoes of the Past RM of Louise 1968 20923
Lou Louise and her farmers Louise RM 1879-1979 20643
Lyl Gnawing at the Past Lyleton 1869-1969 20723
Lyl Gnawing at the Past Lyleton 1869-1969 20537
MacD Canadian Tales from the Past MB – Early Canada 20772
MacD Hugging the Meridian MacDonald RM 20699
Mam Manitoba Agricultural Museum MB -25 years of progress 20718
Man Sections,Township & Range The Prairie Wasp MB 20266
Man A Place of Honour Manitoba’s War Dead Commemorated … 20917
Man Pioneers of Manitoba Manitoba Pioneers 20937
Man Pioneers and Early Citizens of MB MB 20672
Man A Bibliography of MB Local History MB 20673
Man Tales of Early MB MB-from The Winnipeg Free Press 20404
Man Eco Odyssey Voices of Experience MB-Oral Histories of MB 20533
Man The Story of Manitoba’s Weekly Newspapers MB 20616
Man The story Behind MB Names MB 20756
Man Manitoba The Province and The People MB 20886
Man Many Trails to Manitou-Wapah Manitou-Wapah 20768
Mar Echoes of our Heritage Mariapolis and Dist. 20649
Mar Footsteps Trough The Years OssowaReaburnMarquette …. 20770
Mar there’s lots of bush between the tee & the green Dauphin 20265
McC Little Town Lost McConnell 20319
McC On Wings of a Dove MB- Lillian McCullagh 20364
McP The Brandon Hills Story Brandon 1879-1979 20017
Med We Remember Media Media S.D. No. 402 20124
Med Glimpse Through the Years History of Medora Medora 1870-1970 20921
Mel Our First Century Melita,Town of, and RM of Arthur 20036
Mhs Historical Atlas of Manitoba Man.1612-1969 20209
Min Trails to Rails Railroading History of Minnedosa Minnedosa 2006 20990
Min Hold Back The Dam Minnedosa May 4, 1948 20988
Min History of the Minnedosa Churches Minnedosa 1879-1969 20402
Min Tent Town Minitonas and District 1898-1979 20768
Mit The Grey Nuns Of Montreal and the Red River Winnipeg 1844-1984 20268
Mor FURROWS IN THE Valley Morris RM 1880-1980 20024
Mor Morden Mort Cheval PinancewaywinningLakeAgassiz 20819
Mpe Service At Cost MB Pool Elevators 1925-1975 20317
Nee Heritage Neepawa Land of Plenty Neepawa 1883-1983 20701
Nee 75 Years Neepawa Land of Plenty 1958 20906
New Newdale Newdale 1870-2000 20621
Nin and so Ninette 1879-1919 Ninette 20300
Oak Oakburn MB Centenial 1870-1970 Oakburn 2nd copy 20833
Oak Oakburn MB Centenial 1870-1970 Oakburn 20776
Oak Oakland Echoes 1879-1970 Oakland 20633
Oak The Prairie WASP RM of Oakland 20964
Ochre Between Mountain and Lake Ochre River RM 1885-1970 20782
O’su BY Steps Not Leaps 1881-1981 ST. Augustine of Canterbury Parish 20141
Ox Ox Trails to Blacktop Oak Lake 20820
Pas The Pas-A History The Pas 1970 20831
Pem Pembina Manitou 100th Anniv. And Reunion Manitou July 2-8, 1979 20642
Pem Pembina Country Land of Promise Pembina Country 20952
Pim Pilot Mound 50 District 75 Reunion Pilot Mound 1954 July 20655
Pin Hardships to Happiness Hist.Flows From Pine River and District 20774
Pin Pine Valley Echoes History of Badger, Menisino and Piney 20885
Por Portage La Prairie 1870-1970 Portage La Prairie 20584
Por The Tread of the Pioneers Portage La Prairie 20585
Rap Our Past for the Future Rapid City and District 20037
Rap It’s Time To Remember Tremaine-Hunterville Area 1874-1974 20601
Ree Along The Old Melita Trail Melita 20779
Ree A Dict. of Pioneer Families of theDauphinValley Dauphin 20771
Rid History of Riding Mountain and Area Riding Mountain 1885-1984 20652
Riv History of Riverside Municipality RM of Riverside 1879-1970 20905
Riv Riverside Heritage RM of Riverside 1896-1996 20702
Rmt Riding Mountain Yesterday and Today Riding Mountain 20665
Rol Roland Manitoba Roland, MB -Illustrated Souvenir 20951
Rol Roland & Myrtle Family Histories Roland 1890-1990 20975
Rol 50 Years of 4H in Roland Roland 1913-1963 20438
Ros Rosedale Remembers Rosedale 1884-1984 20650
Ros On The Sunny Slopes Of Riding Mountains Rossburn and Dist 20617
Ros On The Sunny Slopes Of Riding Mountains Rossburn and Dist 20618
Ros The First Hundred Years Rosser RM 1893-1993 20829
Ros The Iron Rose MB-Life of Charlotte Ross, MD 20380
Sho Shoal Lake Businesses Shoal Lake 1874-2004 20834
Sho Ripples on the Lake Vol 1 Shoal Lake 20835
Sho Ripples on the Lake Vol 2 Shoal Lake RM+Town of, & Oakburn 20836
Sli People and Progress MB Co-ops 20040
Sou The Souris Story Souris 1881-1981 20356
Sou The People of Souris and Glenwood Souris and RM of Glenwood >2006 20961
Sou Sourisford and Area from 1879 Sourisford 20363
Str 100 Years of Working Together to 1984 Strathclair 20837
Str Strathcona Mun. Re-Visited Genealogically Strathcona 20627
Swa 80 Years in Swan River Valley Swan River 20781
Tar Tarbolton Memoirs 1988 Tarbolton United Church 20586
Tar Tarbolton Pioneer Trails Tarbolton 1880-1969 20588
Tho Hills of Home Rm of Thompson including Miami 20948
Tho As Years Go By Thornhill 20842
Tol Kelwood…..My Cradle Kelwood 20562
Tro A Horseman and the West MB Novel 20706
Tur Fifty Years Young MB-HolyGhostUkrainianOrthodoxChurch 20775
Uni Growing With the Years MB-1925-1950 United Church of Cdn. 20322
UofM Brown and Gold-1932 MB-U of M 20197
Vir Hometown Virden Pioneers and Progress Virden 20630
Vir The Virden Story Virden 1882-1957 20379
Waw Sipiweske Light Through The Trees Wawanesa 20849
Was Waskada Memoirs Waskada 1867-1967 20656
Waw Old Pathways New Horizons Wawanesa Mutual Ins Co. 1896-1996 20423
Wel Wellwood Then and Now Wellwood 20218
Wes Beyond Third Crossing Gladstone 20703
Wes When the West was Bourne Westbourn and Dist.1860-1985 20471
Whi The History of Our Districts Whitefield and Breezelawn 20651
Whi Threads of the Past White Banklea 20354
Whi Whitehead Wanderings Whitehead RM 1883-1983 20828
Wom Treasured Memories MB-Women’s Institute in SW MB1910-94 20470
Wpg A Century of Service WPG Police Force 1874-1974 20456
Woo Proudly We Speak Woodworth RM 1878-1967 20381