
2018 Fall Program Schedule

Jun 16, 2018

September 5: Daly House Archives. Meet at Daly House Museum 122-18th street in Brandon at 7:30 pm. Parking at the back of the museum building.

October 3: Program: Forever Computer Program (quick and easy tips to protect your photographic memories and stories: industry standards for backing up your photos and options on how to organize your photos;  ways to convert and save outdated media)  Meeting at Crocus Plains, Rm 102 at 7:30 pm

November 7: Program: SWB member, Marlene Taylor Rodger will present “Taylor Reunion Book and Slideshow “.  Meeting at Crocus Plains, Rm 102 at 7:30 pm

December 5: Pot luck supper & sharing stories at Knox United Church. Meet for supper at 6:00 or come later for sharing time.