
Fall Genealogy Workshop

Aug 27, 2019

Poster Oct 5 Workshop

October 5: 1- day workshop– Cost: $5.00 for members/$10.00 for non-members will be held at Seniors for Seniors

Morning Presentations Part 1 “Getting Started” by  Branch members, Barb Andrew and Sheila Shearer.  This is a review of the basics of genealogy, organizing, recording , analyzing your findings. We will cover local and Canadian records and how to find them. Part 2 “Introduction to Memoir Writing”.

Afternoon Presentation: “Using Social Media” by Janice Butcher: Internet Resources for Genealogy: Blogs, Websites, Webinars and Facebook

Brief Synopsis of Presentation- There is an astounding amount of genealogical information available on the internet. In this presentation I will outline several types of online resources with examples I have found to be especially useful and easy to use: a) blogs/newsletters, b) websites, c) webinars and Facebook pages. My recommendations are based on my experience as the MGS Facebook editor and webmaster.

The presentation should be useful for beginning and experienced genealogists alike. I will provide attendees with a handout on the online resources covered, with links you can try at home. Each link will be projected onto the screen for all to see. Attendees with smart phones will be able to browse the links as the presentation progresses, so please bring if you have one. It may also be possible to see the links on a tablet or laptop but will depend on the strength of Wifi available. I will conclude with online resources to assist people with their research – both general information and Manitoba specific information.

Workshop will be held at Seniors for Seniors on 311  Park Ave East  in Brandon, starts at 10 am and finishes at 3 pm, Bring a Brown Bag Lunch. Tea/Coffee and cookies provided. Cost: $5.00 for members/$10.00 for non-members.

You can register by emailing at  or, bring your $5.00 for members or $10 for non-members to the October 2nd meeting!